
Film feature of the month: ‘Ayam’ by talented Moroccan Filmmaker & Animation Director Sofia El Khyari

This animation film follows three generations of Moroccan women who exchange feelings and anecdotes while preparing the traditional ceremony of Eid Al Adha. 

The short animation film about a Moroccan grandma, mother, and daughter is a touching depiction of the power of intergenerational relationships. Through their shared experiences and traditions, the women bond over preparing for the traditional ceremony of Eid Al Adha. 

The animation is beautifully crafted and brings to life the emotions and stories of the three women. Watching the film, you feel a sense of warmth and nostalgia, as you witness the strong connections between the women and their culture. 

Ayam is a reminder of the importance of passing on traditions and stories from one generation to the next. 

About our member Sofia El Khyari

Sofia El Khyari grew up in Casablanca. She moved to Paris to study cultural management, and learned animation by herself. She directed her first short film and then obtained a Master’s degree in animation at the Royal College of Art in London. Her films have been awarded and screened at various international festivals.

Instagram: @elle_qui_a_ri